Friday, April 9, 2010

A Scarlet Letter

In the book the scarlet letter is an "A" for adultery emblazoned on the main character's chest. In my life, it's a big red "D" painted on my wife's forehead. "D" for Doug, which is synonymous with "Apostate", "evil-doer", "the little Satan", and "corrupting influence from hell" in some circles. It is so appalling that so many people judge Joanna based on their perceptions of me. She is a social pariah now, an outcast, and this in a social group that preaches love, tolerance, and inclusiveness...unless of course you aren't exactly like them. Don't fit the mold? Don't bother.

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The Passive Aggressive Asskisser

Passive-aggressive people rarely confront situations and will avoid straightforward, honest communication. Instead of expressing their needs or desires, they will pretend that all is well. Hostility will be couched and hidden but never displayed overtly. Envy, jealousy, or dislike can turn into trash-talking and back-biting at every opportunity.

This is especially true in the workforce. I grow so tired of the asskissing that turns into back-stabbing as soon as I leave the room. People are petty, and the office is no place to find friendship.