People Suck, Reality Bites, and Computers Rule
I think the reason I hate people so much is that they suck. They are complex, but illogical. They can be vindictive, spiteful, deliberately hurtful, selfish, petty, small, immature, and downright mean. They exaggerate and use hyperbole to win arguments. They never see both sides to an argument. That’s reality. Computers, are none of those things. Sure, a computer can seem illogical, but most of the time it’s user error. There is always a discernible, discoverable, explainable, and often repeatable reason for something going wrong on a computer. A computer doesn’t wake up on the wrong side of the bed for no reason. A computer doesn’t yell at you because you happen to be close at hand when it’s in a bad mood. If your computer gets completely whacked, you can just format its hard drive and start over with a clean slate. There is NO SUCH THING as a clean slate with people. They hold grudges. They withhold forgiveness. They hold past mistakes over you head. There is no such thing as forgive and forget. People NEVER forget. People rarely truly FORGIVE. Computers never get their feelings hurt like people do. Computers are not prideful. They don’t have faulty perceptions that color their view of things. However, while computers are great, they will never possess the one redeeming quality of people: the ability to love. So as long as that is true, I guess I’ll put up with all that other shit that people bring to the table. (BTW, I’m having a bad day, so this post will come across sounding pretty harsh, but hey, I’m a person, not a computer, so cut me some slack.)
Labels: computers rule, logic vs. emotion, people suck
bad days will pass... and by the way, I don't think a computer can do anything near as good as I do!
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