On Faith and Logic

There is room for FAITH in the logical mind. But not for blind faith. The former is supportable by past evidence, while the latter is merely wishful thinking. I can have faith that the sun will rise (even behind the clouds) tomorrow (even though I do not know that it will), just as it has every single day for 4.5billion years on this earth. I cannot have faith in a universal resurrection of the dead, as there is no proof anyone has ever been resurrected, and everyone I know who has died is still worm food.
Labels: blind faith, faith, logical mind, reason, resurrection
Now now, you know the definition of faith a little better than that :-)
Lets instead call it trust. You trust that the sun will come up in the morning because it's never let you down before. As one prays and receives answers and guidance, one builds trust in something others cannot understand without personal experience.
But that trust is so fragile. If the sun doesn't come up tomorrow, everything we think we know will change.
The logical mind can trust statistics. But can it trust its gut, or the fickle nature of an illogical human?
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