Thank you Uncle Sam

So we got a couple of Medicaid checks in the mail on yesterday, which we get because my son Ethan is autistic, and the state reimburses our health insurance premiums every month. We put it into a savings account that we use to pay for Ethan's non-covered therapies. I came in from getting the mail, and told Joanna that we had gotten two checks, one for November and one for December, and that we now had $600 to put into the account. Ethan was in the room and said "Who sent us the money?" to which Joanna replied, "It's because you're autistic." He cocked his head to one side and then, smiling ear to ear declared: "That's enough money to get the Death Star! I'm going to get the Death Star!! It has the most men in it, you know!" He then proceeded to twirl around in delight singing "whoo hooo, the Death Star, whoo hoo, the Death Star!" We just looked at each other and burst into laughter. Ethan is awesome. He makes us so happy!
ooooh - the Death Star! My 8 year old drools over the Death Star every time the Lego catalog comes in the mail.
So did you get it????
No. That money is for his medical expenses. But maybe Santa will get it for him (and me)!
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